Development of Mobile Applications & Its Positive Impact

Development of Mobile ApplicationsThe first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to check my mobile phone. A missed call or a WhatsApp message or any Facebook or Twitter update. I believe this is the routine of almost 99% of people around the world. We are in the era of technology and mobile phones and its applications are leading our lives with its diversified advancements and have become an important part of our daily routine. None of us can imagine a day or I should say an hour without a mobile phone. It is nearly impossible. Everything has a positive and negative impact if we do not keep the balance whether its food or clothing or any activity in the world, so is the case with mobile applications. In this article, we will discuss the positive impact mobile applications have in our life.

In the starting when mobile phones were launched the only features they had were calling, texting and saving contacts and those simple tasks made our life so much easier that we can contact and talk to our loved ones anytime. It was a great achievement. Then came the internet, smartphones, touch phones, 3g and 4g etc. They gave a completely new look and enhancement to mobile phones and technology. It made our lives so much easier that we cannot even imagine.

Mobile applications have a wide variety of Apps. Currently, we have two leading systems i.e. Android & iOS. We have few others too but let’s talk about them as mostly market is captured by these two only. We have seen that in less than a decade Apple & Android have made their App stores and made available unlimited mobile applications for people. Some are free of cost whereas some you need to purchase. They completely made life easier for the ones who cannot go out and perform their tasks such as housewives or elderly people etc. Everything is just a click away. If you want to hire a taxi, order food, grocery shopping, personal shopping, and the list is never-ending.

Mobile applications have made some major positive contributions to our lives. Some great changes and achievements are listed below:

  • It has reduced the communication gap between friends and relatives who are far away from you.
  • Mobile applications have made learning easy for everyone. All the information and update is easily accessible as well as online educations courses.
  • It is a way of entertainment for many people. Be it a song or a movie or anything, it is a great source of entertainment for people.
  • It has made traveling easy through its amazing navigation system.
    If a person is alone and feeling low so there are different games app and activity apps which keeps a person relaxed.
  • If used in a positive way your mobile phone and its applications can also motivate you by downloading health-related apps which will keep you fit and smart.
  • No need to stand in queues for bill payments. Now there are apps to pay your bills online.
  • There are apps through which you can order food at home, call a taxi at your doorstep, book an appointment with the doctor, call a beautician at home and also do online grocery, makeup, and clothes etc. shopping too.

The above-mentioned contributions are the basic ones that we are using daily and they are part of our routine. There is a list of numerous other positive impacts too that mobile applications have and they are just making our lives super easy and awesome day by day.


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