What is cloud computing with example?

The general term used for the transportation of services over the internet. There are three services provided by it. The three services are outlined as follow:
1. Infrastructure as service
2. Platform as service
3. Software as a service
The cloud symbol is the stimulus for the growth of cloud computing. The flowcharts and the diagrams are the ways for the representation (Ensley, 2010).
Cloud Computing and IT:
For the IT industry, cloud computing is playing a significant role. In addition to this Internet and the Infrastructure of communication is important for which cloud computing is taken as the metaphor. The normal allocated services are provided to the infrastructure by shared computing and the storage (Welss, 2012). The benefits of cloud computing are outlined as follow:
1. The effectiveness of the cost of cloud computing
2. The optimal choice for the industries of the IT
3. Scale related to them
4. Integration
5. Audit
6. Continuity of business
In addition to this association can be used for the determination of the building, operating and their structure as well. Cloud computing acts as the model by which the following outlined features occurred. The whole thing can be unconfined on the processor with the help of cloud computing. Contingent on the weight and the possessions can be scrambled up and down frequently. By the means of the correct haven, possessions are nearby over a system
Natures of Cloud Computing
The forms of cloud computing are outlined as follow:
1. Community cloud
2. Isolated cloud
3. A mixture of cloud

Community Cloud
In the public cloud, patrons are –provided with the disposable in order to make the third party. In addition to this, the facts are tenable within the substructure of the group It is similar to the public cloud but it delivers the service to the purchaser by the group or the third party may transfer this material. In addition to this major instrument is over the preparation so the issues linked to the security might be pointed (Lewis, 2017).
By uniting both private and the public cloud we get the mixture cloud. In addition to this, their choices are contingent upon the various limits like the compassion of the facts and the facts are included in it as well As we know that the best expertise that is known all over the world is cloud computing. It has the capacity to bearing the potential of the world in a positive way. Sometimes it is essential for them to do this work only for the business purpose in which they spend less quantity of the cash on the upkeep and earn the high cost.
In addition to this, cloud computing is powerful tooling that helps in providing that the network or the IT to the clients on their anxieties. In addition to this, it also helps in the provision of the virtualized cloud computing location (Farady, 2016).

Social Media Marketing Strategies

The social media marketing is the unique term in which people are allowed with online tools for the purpose of sharing the information and gaining lesson from it as well. In the business social media marketing, there has been a huge explosion that helps them in involving with the customers in a more effective way. The best example is that there are many reviews or the notes for the purpose of discussing the impacts of social media on the organizations. This help in the development and the progress of the technology. The thing about which the people are less aware is Social Media that is relatively or a completely new form of marketing. The hysteria of the Internet Revolution can be easily compared with the global fixation of social media marketing (George, 2017).
Commercial Speculation for Social Media Marketing:
Anyone can easily find the stakeholders by searching them on the sites of social media or the social media marketing that help them. By searching those in the social media sites one can easily found the networks in which the Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube as ell are included in it. In addition to this, the form of communication through messaging and blogging as well are considered as social media (Smith, 2019).
Strategies of Social Media Marketing:
The two important strategies for involving social media as social media marketing are outlined as follow:
1. Submissive approach
2. Vigorous approach.

Submissive approach:

The first tool is the submissive approach it is also named as the Passive approach. It is the most beneficial thing or the tool to use in order to know the views of the clients. For marketing purposes, the businesses are able to tap and analyze the voices and the views of the clients as well.

Vigorous approach:

The second tool is the Vigorous approach that places an important role. In addition to this, it cannot be only used for direct marketing purposes but it can also be used for the engagement tools related to the clients (Bush, 2015).

By discussing this a lot, it has been proved that social media is an important part that plays a significant role in society. In order to share the information related to the business-like commercials, the service of the products available to the customers the social media in the marketing is the quick, simple and the unique way. It takes great importance in society. In social media marketing, targeted information is becoming a major role. In harmony with for the advertisement of the products and the services as well it is used by many people. Thus, it helps in the development of the business. The best way for the implementation of eth social media on marketing it is important to realize the importance of social media in everyday life (Ensley, 2013).

Customer v/s Customer Service

Customer v/s Customer The most valuable investment a company can do is to purchase the loyalty of their customers by providing the best customer service. Nothing is more valuable than a satisfied, happy and most importantly a loyal customer. It is considered as the most powerful marketing tool. Companies mostly focus on the product’s quality and quantity but they should also equally emphasis on their customer service too.

The term ‘customer service’ stimulates different thought processes in people’s mind depending on their experiences. To some people, it reminds of pleasant and unforgettable memories in a positive way and to some, it is just the opposite. Prioritizing customers first is very necessary for a business if it needs to prosper because loyal customers bring trustworthiness and also bring in more clients and business.

There are some methods through which great customer services can be given:

· Product Knowledge:

Before sharing any fact or replying to the customer it is necessary for the representative to have complete knowledge about the company’s products and services. Once you said anything to the customer it needs to be fulfilled because customer service is all about word of mouth.

· Looking through customer’s eye:

It is very necessary to think and to keep yourself at the customer’s place once you receive any complaint from them. Never ignore and always try to listen to them by keeping yourself at their place.

· Every Gesture Speaks:

It is important for a company’s employee to learn to respond in a polite way to the customers because your actions play an important role while you deliver dialogues. It is really important to work on the body language and choice of words while you speak to your customer.

· Be Courteous & Polite:

The small greetings and gratitude change the mood of a customer. If a representative has a soft tone and welcoming way of talking it automatically solves almost 25% to 30% of a customer’s problem and complaint.

· Respect & Responsiveness:

The staff of customer services should be given proper training on how to respect and be responsive to customers. They should be taught controlling their emotions of anger or irritation. While controlling the emotions it is necessary to also solve customer’s issue with full dedication so that they do feel the responsiveness they received.

· Accommodating Customers:

Never disappoint a customer due to some minor issues that can be resolved on the spot. Customers are potential brand ambassadors and it is necessary to fulfill their requirements and if needed go an extra mile to provide them the best services.

· Trust Building:

Providing influential customer service and correct information to your clients builds the trust between the consumers and the company. It is important to share and provide correct information to your customers so that the relationship last long.

· Customer Follow-up & Feedback:

This is the most important factor to be considered while working on customer service. One needs to keep a check on the complaints of the customer that whether it has resolved or not and most importantly is your customer satisfied because the feedback helps in improving the services.

The feedback is the most important part and it helps you discover where you need improvement in your business.

Email Marketing & It’s Positive Effects

Email MarketingWe all have witnessed and are still going through the torture of bulk marketing emails that we receive on a daily basis. Some companies think that flooding people’s inbox with email marketing will be of great help to their business but the truth is totally different. Companies try to sell their products by sending thousands of email to consumers daily which mostly goes in trash or spam messages. They believe in bulk emailing and follow no proper marketing strategies.

It is important to understand growing trends and align your marketing strategies according to changing demographics. The new trends and ideas are needed to make things work and do wonders in your business. Till 2010 the bulk emailing was a success but now people have become technology friendly and have many options like mark as spam in their emails. So it is important to target the right audience at the right while you send a marketing email.

It is wrong to say that email marketing does not hold any value now but the truth is it is more effective than any other social media website or app. The only requirement is proper homework about the target customers and the right use of strategies is needed to make them work. Email marketing has certain advantages on the businesses if they put in efforts to maintain their online image as importantly as they manage their physical identity.

The important points are to be kept in mind while doing Email marketing as it will give a competitive edge to the company:

  1. Email marketing is the most cost effective way of marketing your business, products or services.
  2. It is the most time-saving option that a company can adapt.
  3. In email marketing, nothing is printed to posted to consumers so that is why it is also environmentally friendly.
  4. According to latest trends businesses has introduced an option to subscribe and unsubscribe on their websites. This controls the fake audience because a consumer who is interested in your products will ultimately subscribe and by doing this company can send their deals or any update of the business to the selected and prospective customer only.
  5. Through email marketing, you can convey messages to your consumers in the form of text, images or videos. It will be a kind of business branding.
  6. You can introduce your promotional deals through emails by sharing links it will be an easy option for consumers.
  7. Companies also introduce after sales service offers to their consumers through emails which create customer loyalty in the mind of consumers.
  8. Emails are read by the specific number of people and some special gentry which ensures customer loyalty to the company because they will read email at the time that suits them.
  9. Through benchmarking reports that are easily available on the internet you can also do the comparison with your competitors.

Email marketing is still the most effective way of communicating from business to consumers and also from business to business. In other words, it is the most sophisticated form of connecting to your customers or peers.

Development of Mobile Applications & Its Positive Impact

Development of Mobile ApplicationsThe first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to check my mobile phone. A missed call or a WhatsApp message or any Facebook or Twitter update. I believe this is the routine of almost 99% of people around the world. We are in the era of technology and mobile phones and its applications are leading our lives with its diversified advancements and have become an important part of our daily routine. None of us can imagine a day or I should say an hour without a mobile phone. It is nearly impossible. Everything has a positive and negative impact if we do not keep the balance whether its food or clothing or any activity in the world, so is the case with mobile applications. In this article, we will discuss the positive impact mobile applications have in our life.

In the starting when mobile phones were launched the only features they had were calling, texting and saving contacts and those simple tasks made our life so much easier that we can contact and talk to our loved ones anytime. It was a great achievement. Then came the internet, smartphones, touch phones, 3g and 4g etc. They gave a completely new look and enhancement to mobile phones and technology. It made our lives so much easier that we cannot even imagine.

Mobile applications have a wide variety of Apps. Currently, we have two leading systems i.e. Android & iOS. We have few others too but let’s talk about them as mostly market is captured by these two only. We have seen that in less than a decade Apple & Android have made their App stores and made available unlimited mobile applications for people. Some are free of cost whereas some you need to purchase. They completely made life easier for the ones who cannot go out and perform their tasks such as housewives or elderly people etc. Everything is just a click away. If you want to hire a taxi, order food, grocery shopping, personal shopping, and the list is never-ending.

Mobile applications have made some major positive contributions to our lives. Some great changes and achievements are listed below:

  • It has reduced the communication gap between friends and relatives who are far away from you.
  • Mobile applications have made learning easy for everyone. All the information and update is easily accessible as well as online educations courses.
  • It is a way of entertainment for many people. Be it a song or a movie or anything, it is a great source of entertainment for people.
  • It has made traveling easy through its amazing navigation system.
    If a person is alone and feeling low so there are different games app and activity apps which keeps a person relaxed.
  • If used in a positive way your mobile phone and its applications can also motivate you by downloading health-related apps which will keep you fit and smart.
  • No need to stand in queues for bill payments. Now there are apps to pay your bills online.
  • There are apps through which you can order food at home, call a taxi at your doorstep, book an appointment with the doctor, call a beautician at home and also do online grocery, makeup, and clothes etc. shopping too.

The above-mentioned contributions are the basic ones that we are using daily and they are part of our routine. There is a list of numerous other positive impacts too that mobile applications have and they are just making our lives super easy and awesome day by day.

Managing Small Business is an Art! A Guide For Effective Small Business Management

Managing Small BusinessLife is becoming difficult and competitive as the time is moving forward and with every passing day inflation is also increasing. One person’s earning is not enough to feed the whole family and on the other hand, it is not an easy task to get a job too. In this scenario what are the options for people who are not getting or doing any job and are looking for some ideas for earning? We have a solution to their problems and it is to start some small business and earn their livelihood.

Firstly it needs to be understood that what is a small business? In simple words, it is a form of independent business which comprises of limited size and limited investment keeping in mind which industry you are selecting. A business no matter how big or small it needs proper management and planning before the start-up and for that purpose proper working and a business plan is required.

A business plan comprises of the goals and objectives for starting your small business and also the strategies and guidelines to achieve your set targets. You have to keep in your mind the budget and strength you need to start your business because these two things will decide how much small your business is and how much investment you need. Even a small business requires proper management, planning and right allocation of time and resources in order to be successful.

We are mentioning below some guidelines for effective and successful small business management:

  • Set your goals and define your objectives that need to be achieved.
  • Keep in mind the 4 M’s of Business i.e. Men, Materials, Money and Machinery.
  • Effective time management can save your cost as well as give a boost to your business by allocating the saved time in the business.
  • Allocate your resources and finances appropriately.
  • Develop and build your network so that you do not have to spend more time or cost on advertising or marketing of your business.
  • Hire the best resources i.e. employees but keeping in mind the budget for the salary. Remote employees can also be hired for some tasks. It can save some money.
  • Communicate your vision to your employees.
  • Keep personal and business accounts and expenses separate.
  • Learn to negotiate in order to save money.
  • Try to automate your operations more through machinery and accounting systems for long term purpose. In this way, employee salary cost will be low and the result will be more effective.
  • Give attention to customer feedback.
  • Adapt to change keeping in mind the budget for your business because your customer needs some change and innovation after some time.
  • Try to cut extra cost such as the penalty for paying bills late or excessive luxuries because in the starting you need to focus on your costs in order to earn good profit.
  • Keep track of your progress. Properly monitor and measure the outcomes.

All these above mentioned guidelines are for effective and successful small business management. A person needs to focus and work on these guidelines if he /she wants to start their own business. There are some basic things that need to be focused and managed while starting a small business and then gradually things will start changing as a business will start to grow.

Importance of Project Management in IT Industry

Importance of Project ManagementMany times we have heard the term Project Management. Whether the organization is large or small it is widely used by most organizations. To be precise and explain project management in simple words i.e. it the process of achieving an organization’s goals by planning, organizing and executing its tasks and assignments which leads it towards success and accomplishments. Project management is required in almost every organization. Here we will talk about its importance in IT based companies that how project management is useful for executing information technology projects.

In IT companies there are different projects related to software development, hardware installations, network upgrades, and data management etc. All these functions are really important and need extra monitoring and time because in the 21st century all the organizations are completely based and backed up by IT. Project management has different techniques, methods, and functions according to the need of every industry and the purpose of project management in IT company is to allocate and manage resources in such a manner that it takes the organization towards its goal and success.

Nowadays competition is really tough in IT companies because every day we can see new technologies and methods different companies are opting to bring up their ranking with the help of project management. The main task of project management is to define the goal, set the targets, make strategies to achieve those goals and targets and lastly to execute and closely monitor the work done till desired results are achieved.

IT projects are really sensitive because while introducing and implementing any new technology for the first time in the organization is very risky as it can bring down the whole system so it is really necessary that project management should be done in such a way if any complication occurs there should be a back-up to resolve the issue on an immediate basis.

How to Manage an IT Project

There are certain steps to be followed while managing an IT project because as we discussed above the risk of implementing IT projects. Some important steps which are to be followed mentioned below:

  • The project planning should be done in a team so that each team member should be aware of the target to be achieved and the sensitivity of the project. The discussion should be about the project done repeatedly so that even a minor detail and problem can be discussed and solved then and there.
  • After planning the plan is executed and the team goes live with all the details discussed in the first step, keeping in mind that they can always go back to the first step of planning for discussion if project faces any sort of issue.
  • Now comes the most important part of project management i.e. to monitor and control the project after the execution. Here it should be monitored very closely that whether the project is moving towards its set targets or not.
  • The last part comes after a detailed review and after ensuring that all the tasks are completed and work is being carried out according to set objectives. If everything is positive then the project closure happens.

There are different approaches to completing and performing IT tasks through project management. The approach we discussed above is the simplest and easy to understand.

Do Small Setups Need HR Department? Let’s Find Out!

HR DepartmentThe term Human Resource Management is widely used in organizations nowadays doesn’t matter how large or small, new or old the enterprise is. But people need to know that why do we need Human Resource Department in every organization and what it actually does. Many people have the perception that the HR department only talks in the interest of management whereas the fact is way different from this perception. In actual Human Resource is the people’s management. It is undoubtedly the key resources of any organization and the reason for the formation of HR department is to strategize and formulate the rules, regulations, and policies of the company keeping in mind the safety and security of employees as well as the employer too.

Today we will specifically, discuss the small setups having 10 to 50 or a maximum of 100 employees in the organization. Do these setups need a separate HR department? The answer is Yes! But why? As we said above the size does not matter, it is actually the work and importance of HR that need to be understood. Any small setup will ultimately grow and become successful one day. Mostly we have seen that at the initial phase small setups do not hire or have any HR department or HR manager but as the time passes and setup starts to grow they realize that they do need HR department. Secondly while establishing a new enterprise how management would hire and manage the staff and their concerns and issues, doesn’t matter if there are only five employees, to retain those five and expand the strength of the office HR department is required.

The most important reason to have HR department from the beginning of any setup is that HR’s tasks are not only to recruit but in reality  Human Resource Department is equally important as any other department because it keeps the company’s liaison with the market and people and then with your employees too. It serves as a bridge between the management and second or third party for business and for any other purposes too. To have HR department from day one will be beneficial because as time will pass your company’s rules, regulations and policies will be aligned according to the changing size of your company.

What Measures HR takes in New and Small Setups?

Let us talk about some important measures HR department takes:

  • It develops an organization’s culture and it is the responsibility of HR department to keep the balance and to maintain the discipline in the office.
  • Set your organization’s values and objectives and keeps on giving a reminder to the employees.
  • Creates a hierarchal structure of organization.
  • Develops the staffing plan according to the needs and requirements of the company.
  • Plan the salary structure according to the budget.
  • Advising compensation and benefits plan for employee’s attraction and retention.
  • Introduce the company in the market amongst potential employees.
  • Setup the hiring process and criteria
  • Gives orientation, training, and molds the employee’s expertise according to the company’s requirements.
  • Closely monitoring the environment of the office and each employee’s performance.

As time is passing, Human Resource Department is adding value and becoming more and more important for organizations. They are playing an important role in organizational development.

Primavera Project Portfolio Management EPPM

The world is moving fast. Time is flying. People are evolving. This is all happening due to rapid advancements in technology and its use in personal and professional life is increasing day by day making tasks easier yet competitive. To meet the fast pace environment organizations are struggling to get the best resources and be the best amongst all.

To meet and greet the organization’s complex and time-driven projects Oracle provided Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management System.

What does Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management System (EPPM) actually do? In simple words, it provides competitive advantage to rapidly growing organizations by managing the sheer volume of incoming projects remotely through internet. Managing here means it ease and share the workload of project manager who sometimes due to the overload of projects miss out important details. This system enables project managers to share project and role wise information through the system which can be accessible by all hence it plans and prioritize that how & which task should be done by whom and also it execute, manage and update about the ongoing process and progress of the project in the way that everyone from bottom to upper management who is part of the project can track all the updates and progress of the project which decreases the risk of failure.

Isn’t it sound interesting? But there is more in it. Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management EPPM eliminates the communication gap between team members and project managers. It is designed in such a way that all the members of the project from upper to lower management can stay connected globally through mobile interface which enables each one of them to share the updates, problems and their solution which adds value in terms of organizational context.

Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management EPPM is a simple user interface design easily manageable. It strategizes and prioritizes work according to project’s deadline that enables project managers to allocate their resources efficiently and effectively in the best possible manner.

Key Features:

  • Unrestricted and easy availability of information regarding the project
  • Timely delivery of every project
  • Prioritize work according to deadlines
  • Proper allocation of resources by keeping your budget as low as possible.
  • Enables upper and lower management staff to work in teams.

An organization’s management has to take decisions keeping in mind company’s goals and objectives as well as right allocation of funds that are being given for projects. It is the responsibility of senior management that before making an investment they should be aware of all the fluctuations taking place in the markets regarding the project.

Primavera Enterprise Project Portfolio Management System (EPPM) has empowered organizations to gain supreme levels of governance for their corporate profiles and facilitating them to make decisions about the right allocation of the funds as well as resources. It allows management to get the complete view of company’s ongoing projects with the progress ratio of current projects as well as it formulates them to make assessments and make decisions for their future investments.


Do you want change? Are you bored? Is your business facing new challenges? Let’s Rebrand. But wait!

What Is Rebranding? Many times we have heard the term “Rebranding” but what it actually means? Well, when a company transform its identity such as name or logo or makes some renovation in its packaging or offerings then it is featured as Rebranding.

Why Rebranding is needed? Sometimes it is necessary for a matured and rookie companies to do Rebranding due to various reasons but at the same time, it involves some risks too in terms of their credibility & customers. It sometimes affects old & loyal customers but on the other hand, if we look at the fact that human needs change so to stay in the market on a competitive edge Newbies & Affiliated companies both adopt Rebranding.

Rebranding energizes a business if it’s done in the right way at the right time. It might sound easy but it involves many factors from employees to vendors to customers. They all play an important role in building your brand so the most important thing to keep in mind while doing Rebranding is to preserve the trust of these people. Another foremost risk involved is the waste of expenditure if it’s executed in the wrong way. Whatever the reasons are but Rebranding is surely a big deal.

Let’s Do It… But How?

  1. Groundwork:

Before moving forward there are few facts to be considered. A fore planning your Rebranding you should do the groundwork that why do you need it? Rebrand if it’s facing any of the below mentioned points.

  • Brand Progression
  • Similarity with other brands
  • Losing the target market
  • A new look or advance look of the business
  1. Forecasting:

Brakel-Schutt (Brand Strategist) also advised speaking with your employees, customers and business partners for research. They are the best predictors of what can happen in future after you rebrand and for prophesying you need the help of your Employees, Vendors, Stakeholders & Customers as they can show you the real image & position of your business.

  1. Strategize & Execute:

Here comes the most crucial and the game changer step in your Rebranding process which can either give your business a boost or will make it lose. Firstly you need to form strategies that how are you going to present your brand to your old loyal customers as well as to your new target audience. Secondly, you need to execute tasks to your teams from Marketing to Designing to Copywriting and all others have to play their role in executing this new chapter of the business.

  1. Announcement:

Now comes the judgment day. Revealing the suspense of your product Rebranding. You can opt in different ways to announce. Sending emails to your vendors and customers and tell them about the changes you have made so that they will feel connected. It’s very important to keep your focus on your customers throughout the process as they are the ones who make your brand a hit or a flop.


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