Project & Portfolio Management

Make the Right Investment Decisions

Oracle Primavera enables organizations to align investments with corporate goals, thereby selecting opportunities that deliver the highest return from scarce resources. Organizations can strategically manage investments, resources and commitments using sophisticated evaluation and selection criteria, creating and optimizing planning scenarios, communicating decisions, monitoring progress and managing new ideas.

Oracle Primavera Provides:

  • Investment planning with the ability to create and assess project and product portfolios
  • Flexibility and accuracy in measuring investment evaluations through out-of-the box metrics such as benefit, cost, alignment, and risk
  • Unlimited “what-if” scenarios to help select the best business alternatives
  • Real-time investment status for faster response to success impediments
  • Idea management to help avoid missed business opportunities by providing an enterprise-wide vehicle for employee engagement.
  • Realistic portfolio scenarios that take into account dependencies among investments

Ensure project, product and resource investments are aligned with strategic
goals using portfolio analysis that are easily personalized.


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